Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Update APO selection profle w/o open planning book.

Usually, when we need update a selection profile, we have to select the selection profile by open planning book, and load it then we can change it.
As each time, the load take long time, it's not the best way to achieve it, especailly you have a lot of selection profle to be updated.

 After some search, we found there are 2 alternative approache.
  1. Update table /sapapo/ts_selko and /sapapo/ts_selpo by custom program, it's simple and direct.
  2. Use function module /SAPAPO/MCPSH_SELECTION_CHANGE
Test data as below:


This change is overwrite. So you have to put all selection option in IT_SELECTION. Or, the existed  selection option data will gone.

Works like a charm, verify it in planning book.

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